Little Love Co Flowers

Pink Utopia | Bouquet


Indulge in the luxurious sensation of pink hues with the Pink Utopia Bouquet. Overflowing with elegant beauty and delicate layers, your bouquet will be the perfect addition to any special occasion. The carefully chosen selection of seasonal flowers creates an explosion of all shade pink and complimenting textures that will leave you breathless. Elevate your experience a world of refined taste and sophistication with this dreamy bouquet full of modern, sophisticated and chic vibes. 

Choose to include a vase and we will design your Pink Utopia bouquet into a glass vase ready for delivery. 

Flowers and colours may vary from image due to market availability and our florists choose beautiful alternatives creating an elegant bespoke look. We only send the freshest flowers, often in tight bud to maximise the length of enjoyment.

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